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Google Digital Unlocked | Digital Marketing free Courses | 126 Courses | Free Certificate | limited time offer | During Lockdown | Enroll Now

Certification not only expands your skill and knowledge but also makes your resume more attractive to recruiters for prviate or goverment jobs.
Here we have brought once again a very important & interesting Courses for you from Google. Google has offered free online courses during COVID-19 Lockdown. Google also provide a digital certificate after the course completion. Google has launched Google Digital Unlocked where 126 Courses are available for free. After the course completed, Google will give a digital  certificate which is beneficial for your resume.

What is Google Digital Unlocked Service?
Google Digital Unlocked service has launched by the Google. Brush up your digital skills to grow your business, your career, or just your confidence. The everyday experts at The Digital Unlocked will help you succeed online. Anyone can benefit, regardless of their skill level, goals or background.

Language : English

Duration : 40 hours

How to Register ?
  • Go to the official website of this course.
  • Register yourself by email id.
  • Enroll that  course what you want to learn.
  • Start your learning.

Register Now : Click here

FAQs - Google Digital Unlocked
[Q.1] What is the Google Digital Unlocked?
Ans.: Brush up your digital skills to grow your business, your career, or just your confidence. The everyday experts at The Digital Unlocked will help you succeed online. Anyone can benefit, regardless of their skill level, goals or background.

[Q.2] Why has Google launched Google Digital Unlocked?
Ans.: When people learn to make the most of the web, it's amazing how much individuals, businesses, and whole economies can grow. Google wants everyone to have the digital skills they need to benefit from the technology revolution and share in that growth including you.

[Q.3] What knowledge and skills will I gain upon completing my Digital Unlocked training?
Ans.: There's no limit to how much you can grow with Google digital training! After watching video tutorials from everyday experts who've been in your shoes, you'll build the digital marketing skills to promote yourself and your business online. You'll learn how to get noticed by the right people, and how to make the most of the web to achieve your goals. Have fun!

[Q.4] How do I create a Google Digital Unlocked account?
Ans.: Ready to learn about digital marketing and gain new skills? Create your Digital Unlocked account by selecting 'My Profile' in the menu.

[Q.5] How can I be awarded a Digital Marketing certificate?
Ans.: You'll earn an authentic Digital Marketing certification from Google, by completing all modules in The Digital Unlocked.

[Q.6] How do I get the Google Digital Unlocked certificate?
Ans.: You'll be able to download a PDF copy of the digital marketing certificate from the Fundamentals of Digital Marketing course page once you've passed the final test.

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